Exporting documents from Salesforce libraries can be done in different ways:
- Weekly Export Service - standard service for exporting data. That’s and easy solution, but It may take much time for preparing and downloading all content.
- FileExporter - script, based on Data Loader for loading content. Good enough, but it doesn work with any version after 23.
Sometimes you may need a more custom solution to satisfy these requirements:
- Export all documents from a specific library
- Include all versions of the documents adding ‘-vN’ in the end of their titles, where N is a document verision.
This solution can be implemented using Eclipse IDE. So, here are the steps for that:
- Download Eclipse IDE
- Generate and download WSDL (follow instuctions on Introduction to the Force.com Web Services Connector wiki page)
- Create new Java project in Eclipse and include generated from WSDL jar and wsc-NN.jar and files in it.
- Follow the code below.
Development for Salesforce is not my primary duty (I'm a Salesforce admin), so the code below can be not so perfect as I'd like it to be :-)
Do not forget to replace values in USERNAME, PASSWORD and LIBRARY_ID constants.
package wsc;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.Connector;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.EnterpriseConnection;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.QueryResult;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.ContentVersion;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.ContentWorkspaceDoc;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.SObject;
import com.sforce.ws.ConnectionException;
import com.sforce.ws.ConnectorConfig;
public class Main {
static final String USERNAME = "USERNAME";
static final String PASSWORD = "PASSWORD+TOKEN";
static final String LIBRARY_ID = "LIBRARY/WORKSPACE ID";
static EnterpriseConnection connection;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
try {
connection = Connector.newConnection(config);
// display some current settings
System.out.println("Auth EndPoint: " + config.getAuthEndpoint());
System.out.println("Service EndPoint: "
+ config.getServiceEndpoint());
System.out.println("Username: " + config.getUsername());
System.out.println("SessionId: " + config.getSessionId());
// run the different examples
} catch (ConnectionException e1) {
// returns list of Document IDs from a library
private static ArrayList<String> getListOfDocuments(String libraryId) {
ArrayList<String> documentIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
// pulling document IDs from ContentWorkspaceDoc
QueryResult queryDocumentIDs = connection
.query("select ContentDocumentId "
+ " from ContentWorkspaceDoc where ContentWorkspaceId = '"
+ LIBRARY_ID + "'");
ContentWorkspaceDoc[] cwd = Arrays.copyOf(queryDocumentIDs.getRecords(),
if (cwd != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < cwd.length; i++) {
if (cwd[i].getContentDocumentId() != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return documentIDs;
private static void downloadContent() {
try {
ArrayList<String> errorIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
// query for pulling all versions of a document
QueryResult queryAllVersions = new QueryResult();
// retrieving list of all documents from a library
ArrayList<String> documentIds = getListOfDocuments(LIBRARY_ID);
if (documentIds.size() != 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < documentIds.size(); j++) {
// get version of a document
queryAllVersions = connection
.query("select Id "
+ " from ContentVersion where ContentDocumentId = '"
+ documentIds.get(j) + "'");
SObject[] recordVersions = queryAllVersions.getRecords();
ArrayList<String> versionIDs = new ArrayList<>();
if (recordVersions != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < recordVersions.length; i++) {
if (recordVersions[i].getId() != null) {
QueryResult queryVersions;
ContentVersion contentVersion = new ContentVersion();
//exporting each version of document
for (String s : versionIDs) {
queryVersions = connection
.query("select Id, Title, ContentDocumentId, "
+ "ContentSize, FileType, VersionData, IsLatest, VersionNumber, "
+ "PathOnClient from ContentVersion where "
+ "Id = '" + s + "'");
SObject[] records = queryVersions.getRecords();
if (records != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
contentVersion = (ContentVersion) records[i];
if (contentVersion.getContentSize() != 0) {
.println("Downloading Version Id:"
+ contentVersion.getId()
+ " Title:"
+ contentVersion.getTitle()
+ " ContentSize:"
+ contentVersion
int lastDot = contentVersion
try {
.replaceAll("\\\\", ""));
File outputFile = new File(
+ contentVersion
+ "-v"
+ contentVersion
+ contentVersion
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(outputFile));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Export completed");
System.out.println("Document IDs with errors: ");
if (errorIDs.size() != 0) {
for (String s : errorIDs) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {